100 Journal Prompts To Be A Better Human
Over the years, I’ve discovered the power of journaling to explore conscious and subconscious patterns. Journaling has been one of the most pivotal habits in my life. So, I’m sharing a collection of my favorite journal prompts I’ve collected over the years. These journal prompts have helped me grow, get to know myself deeper, lift me out of bad days, and celebrate the joys in life.
“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.”
– Anne Frank
Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In condimentum ante felis, sit amet blandit augue porta in. In interdum pulvinar ipsum nec molestie. Nulla arcu sem, rutrum vel volutpat et, molestie in urna. Etiam dictum quam leo. Duis iaculis elit arcu, vel eleifend dui sagittis vel. Donec ut dui mauris. Duis sollicitudin, ex eu.
An unordered list example:
- one
- two
- three
Journal Prompts For When You Feel Anxious
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In condimentum ante felis, sit amet blandit augue porta in. In interdum pulvinar ipsum nec molestie. Nulla arcu sem, rutrum vel volutpat et, molestie in urna. Etiam dictum quam leo. Duis iaculis elit arcu, vel eleifend dui sagittis vel. Donec ut dui mauris. Duis sollicitudin, ex eu.
An unordered list example:
- one
- two
- three
Journal Prompts Rooted in Gratitude
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In condimentum ante felis, sit amet blandit augue porta in. In interdum pulvinar ipsum nec molestie. Nulla arcu sem, rutrum vel volutpat et, molestie in urna. Etiam dictum quam leo. Duis iaculis elit arcu, vel eleifend dui sagittis vel. Donec ut dui mauris. Duis sollicitudin, ex eu.
An unordered list example:
- one
- two
- three
Journal Prompts for Shadow Work
Shadow work is used to uncover the parts of yourself in your unconscious mind that you repress and hide from yourself. This can include trauma or parts of your personality that you subconsciously consider undesirable.
An unordered list example:
- What is one thing that you would be embarrassed to admit to others?
- What kind of things make you feel “less than” others?
- Write down any childhood memory that comes to mind. Describe how that memory makes you feel and why you think that memory has remained with you after all these years.
- How do you wish others would show up for you? List some specific examples then identify the categories in which those examples fall in. (Ex: I like it when my friends/partner/roommate/coworkers surprise me with coffee. This would be an example of gift giving).